Clinics & Services
Adult Immunisation & Travel Clinic
Vaccinations and travel immunisations are done by appointment with the nurse. She will advise you on the immunisations required and how to avoid problems whilst on holiday. Please plan ahead. We may need six weeks to ensure you are fully protected for your visit abroad. We feel that it is important that all adults keep up to date with their tetanus immunisation. Please check with the nurse if you think your booster is due.
Asthma Checks
All asthmatics should attend, even if well, at least annually to ensure they use their devices correctly and their symptoms have not changed since their last prescription. Please book an appointment with the nurse.
Diabetic Checks
By appointment with the nurse - all well controlled diabetics should attend at least annually, uncontrolled will be advised by a nurse to attend more frequently.
Family Planning and Contraception Services
You can obtain advice from the Community Health Team based at the Heart of Hounslow Centre. The telephone number is 020-3411-1404.
Ante Natal/Post Natal
Our practice has a shared care system with local hospitals.
Child Development and Assessment 
You can obtain advice from the Community Health Visitors based at Heston Health Clinic. No appointment necessary.
Baby clinic is held every Wednesday 10:30 – 12:00 /13:30 – 15:30
Child Immunisation Clinic
By appointment with the nurse.
Health Checks
The practice places emphasis on preventative medicine. We offer health checks to:
- All new patients when registering
- Patients who have not consulted in the last three years.
- Patients aged 75 years and over.