Patient Rights
You have the right to confidentiality
You have the right to information and answers about your health in particular:
- Any illness and its treatment
- Possible alternative forms of treatment
- Possible side effects of treatment
- Prevention and avoidance of illness recurring
- Any proposed investigations
You have the right to see your medical records, subject to the limitation of the law (Data Protection Act 1990) and you can have access to records written after 1st November 1991.
You have the right to choose whether or not you wish to take part in medical research.
You have the right to express your preference of practitioner. Please request the preferred practitioner when you book your appointment. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we can meet your request for the same day.
Your Responsibilties To Us.
Please Observe The Following:
Inform us immediately of any change of address in particular make sure that we have you current telephone number.
The surgery is particularly busy before 10:30. Please keep your telephone call brief during this period..
If you are unable to keep your appointment please let us know as soon as possible..
Please arrive on time for your appointment.
All appointments are arranged to cover one consultation only and for 10 minutes.. Please make a separate appointment for each person who wishes to see the doctor.
We expect our staff to be treated courteously at all times. Rudeness will not be tolerated. They will try to help you as much as they can but please remember they are following the procedures that have been laid down by the doctors to ensure safe and appropriate medical care.
If you request a home visit by the doctor you should ring the surgery by 10.30am. Doctors will normally visit patient if, in their opinion , the patient’s illness or infirmity prevent them from attending the surgery . Please be prepared to give brief details of your problems to the receptionist as this will help the doctor who may telephone you before visiting. Home visits are at the discretion of the doctor.
If you have a problem and would like telephone advice, one of our nurses is available to speak to you. You can leave a message and contact details for the nurse or doctor to call back if necessary.